Our approaches to working with IDPs within the Contact2U project
The Contact2U project works with such a category of affected people as IDPs or internally displaced persons (IDPs). These people have lost their property, their homes, and their way of life because of the war. They have moved to a new place and are starting a new life. Sometimes it is quite difficult to do so. There are tools and ways to help such people.One of the ways our project team uses to help is "Restoring Life Continuity".
This is a protocol developed by ITC (Israel Trauma Coalition), the Israeli Trauma Treatment Coalition.
The ITC provides a collaborative and holistic approach, combining the experience that this organization has gained over the years (since 2001) with the accumulated knowledge and experience of leading organizations and government ministries specializing in crisis management.

This unique approach contributes to strengthening national resilience, optimizing national emergencies, and ensuring the continuity of healing for traumatized individuals.

Many IDPs have experienced extremely traumatic events. These traumatic events, which required strong and sometimes unlimited mobilization of resources to overcome them, contributed to the victim's feeling of a torn life into "before the traumatic event" and "after the traumatic event." This disconnect interferes with a person's life and prevents them from starting a new life in a new place.
Restoring the usual way of life helps to strengthen the continuity of all processes. Restoring a sense of continuity in life is very important for integrating the experience of overcoming trauma into the life history of the
into the life history of the victim.


Continuity of life is the process of restoring/recreating the usual routine of life after a traumatic event, i.e., the resumption of activities that a person was engaged in before the traumatic event, including conditionally planned events. For example: daily hygiene, exercise, cooking, birthday celebrations, etc.
The following types of continuity are distinguished: cognitive, functional, social, emotional, and psychophysiological.



Cognitive continuity

is the restoration of ideas about the world around us, norms, rules, the restoration of the ability to think logically and find cause and effect relationships, and the restoration of a sense of control over the situation with the help of information. To restore cognitive continuity, a person needs information or an incentive to search for it on their own, for example, studying maps of a new area for internally displaced persons, finding shops, schools, pharmacies, etc.

Functional continuity

is the restoration of a person's social roles and responsibilities. Social roles include being a parent, wife, husband, daughter or son, etc.; responsibilities can be taking care of a pet on a daily basis, tending to flowers, or even making your own bed. To restore this continuity, it may help to encourage the person to return to their previous role, or if this is not possible, to help them choose a role that matches their abilities and true capacities.

Соціальна безперервність

is the establishment of belonging to certain groups: family, friends, colleagues, other social groups or collectives. Being someone's classmate at school again is an example of restoring social continuity.

Emotional continuity

is the restoration of the usual ways in which a person expresses himself emotionally, for example, excitement, withdrawal, depression, calmness, fun, etc. The principles of normalization and legitimization can be used to help, and any reaction is normal to abnormal events.

Psychophysiological continuity

is the restoration of ideas about one's own body and health. An example of restoring psycho-emotional continuity is the resumption of care and concern for one's own body: showering, combing hair, brushing teeth, etc.