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Guide to community based social healing. Ukranian experience


The manual outlines the basic theoretical and practical aspects of Community-based Social Healing - a comprehensive and sustainable approach to healing collective traumas, supporting individual mental health, and building civil society. The overall goal of this approach is to heal communities through external interventions so that they heal and support their members. It includes normalizing interaction within existing communities, but in Ukrainian realities, creating new communities of mutual support is more urgent. Systematizing the experience of the "Contact2U" project in IDPs' support, with its flexibility within the overall structure and attention to inclusive narrative and performative practices, the manual offers analytical and practical tools for such healing work.

This project is implemented by the "Power of the Future" NGO with the support of the Civil Peace Service, funded by the Federal Government of Germany through GIZ.


The text that you are going to read is the result of almost a decade of work by the NGO "Power of the Future" in creating supportive communities - healing communities.

Also, it is the result of a new, full-scale stage of russian aggression against Ukraine.

The NGO was founded in May 2015 in Dnipro by internally displaced persons (IDPs) from Luhansk and Donetsk. Its goal was to protect the realization of the rights of IDPs and promote their active integration into the new hromada. Since then, the organization's sphere of activity has gradually expanded - work on non-conflict communication in the educational environment, engaging elderly people in active social life.


Svitlana Lukyanchenko - coordinator of the research group, co-founder and deputy chairman of the board of the NGO "Power of the Future", co-author of the book "Creative methods of conflict transformation"


Maryna Zhuravska - Coordinator of the "Contact2U" project, facilitator of the playback studio for IDPs, playback performer


Фанагей Ростислав - Науковий консультант, магістр культурології, аспірант кафедри етики, естетики та культурології Київського Національного Університету імені Тараса Шевченка.
